Yesterday was a perfect example of how the universe just likes to fuck with me. This story is called "Be Careful What You Wish For In the Realm of Instant Manifestation." So while I was on holiday this past Christmas season (which for the record was only two weeks ago) on Maui - my new friend Sadie was explaining to me how Maui was the land of Instant Manifestation. Things there sort of take shape as soon as you ask for them. And after reviewing my recent experiences while there, I had to agree with Sadie. Things there just come off without effort. You ask the Universe and if you are earnest in your request - while on Maui - it'll happen. (Though I do recommend that you be really SPECIFIC in your request or you won't get quite what you're asking for.)
Right, I should get back on point.
So the point of today's story is that tendency towards instant manifestation of universal requests has seemingly followed me home with potentially disastrous results.
Yesterday afternoon while working on a project for work which was stressing me out quite a bit, I said - and I said it Out Loud which I believe was key to the issue - "I wish this job would go away." It was too stressful, the client can't make up their mind, things keep changing, they want to cut budget but keep the shots that require a lot of money to get the proper props/talent/wardrobe/etc. and in general this was turning out to look a lot like the last shoot we did for this client which ended up generally and completely fubar'ed.
So I said this silly little wish. I said it out loud. And then the phone rang. And there it went. Ten minutes after I said it, the other producer on the job called me. The message was this - the client flipped out when they saw the final budget for what they were asking. They have now decided that this is way too much money and considering the state of the economy (and apparently their own company stock), they are reworking the job. What was supposed to be a 5 day shoot with 10 prep days and 2 post days, not to mention a week long casting (do the math - that would have been 21 full working days for me plus overtime and mileage), will now be at most a 2 day shoot if it even happens. And I won't know anything until this afternoon at the earliest. This sucks. This blows. This is not a good thing.
Be careful what you wish for.
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