Saturday, August 8, 2009

Midnight Explosions

So the other night, I was curled up tight and sleeping very soundly when I was awoken by something rather odd. What sounded like an explosion followed by the building I live in shaking for a second like a very sharp, very sudden earthquake. I was lying in my bed, just wondering what the fuck it was, when I started to hear people screaming. Not people screaming like "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm being attacked by a crazy knife-wielding maniac" screaming, but more like at each other in an "OH FUCK WHAT DO WE DO?" sort of way. Car alarms were going off up and down the street - loudly. And a lot of them. But no one was running or screaming INSIDE my building and the fire alarms weren't going off and it was clear that whatever went all 'splodey wasn't in the specific vicinity of my bed. So I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, there was another one. BLAM!!! Woke me up and shook the building again. This time I got a little concerned. But again, I heard nothing to suggest that my bed (and therefore me in it) was in any real danger, so I left it alone.

Went back to sleep... the rest of the night passed quietly. In the morning, this is what I saw... this is directly across the street from my building. Notice the burned out shell of a car under the carport.

My only thought is what must it have felt like to the guy who lives in the apartment just over it? And what caused it? I've not been able to track down any of the neighbors to find out if anyone knew, cause I'm curious as hell.

The Tank Gyrl


Glynis said...

Was Miss Scarlet in the Library with the Candlestick?

But seriously, wow. I'm consumed with curiosity myself. If you hear anything, please share!

The Tank Gyrl said...

I mean, it seems pretty obvious that the car exploded - but what made it blow and what was the second explosion? Gang hit or crazy ex? Or something as simple as a smouldering cigarette butt left unattended? Inquiring minds want to know...