Monday, August 24, 2009

Explanation of the Midnight Splodey...

So apparently, the cause of the Midnight Explosion two weeks ago was this:

There is a tenant in that building across the street who is a used car salesman. And not a very honest one. So apparently, he sold someone a car that was um, shall we say, not a good deal? And said customer tried to return the car, but the dude wasn't having it back. So instead, the customer decide revenge was best served in the middle of the night and tossed a molotov cocktail through the rear windshield of the salesman's car. It burned and eventually, exploded. The second big boom was the car next to it going up. (That car had been removed before I got the picture.) That one was just an innocent bystander in all this. I feel really bad for the owner of the second car. And for the guy who lived in the apartment directly over the cars. But there you have it. Mystery solved. Revenge is fun. Just remember kids, to blow up the car when it won't affect property of the innocent. It's just bad form to involve those whose only crime is living next door to the douchebag.

The Tank Gyrl

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