Ever since I got back from my winter break, I've been toying with the idea of moving over to Maui for a bit. Time to relax, recharge, refocus and do all those other "re" words that I put off all too often in my real life here in the city of Angels.
The problems I found with my life came into real focus when I left it. I work too much. I don't have enough down time. I have a job that follows me everywhere I go. I can't often get a day when I don't get a phone call, email or other communication from one of my many colleagues and clients. Most of the time I love my job. I get to work with fun, creative people whom I have come to love dearly and fast moved from the realm of "colleague" to "friend."
But after a recent response to an email where I explained to a client that I was unavailable for her one day out of the many I have worked with her because I was booked with another client, I realized that this particular client seems to feel that I am hers and hers alone. And that the team I work with for her is at her beck and call at any given time. Even while I was on the island, I got emails, texts and phone calls. It was New Year's Day. I had plans to spend it hungover at the beach truly enjoying a day off with nothing to do. I got three emails. Now, she might be the sort of person who enjoys nothing more than letting her job rule her life and letting her job define her. However, I am not. When I go on holiday, I want to do just that - BE ON HOLIDAY. No work, not a thing to think of, no stress.
I came to the conclusion that it is time to refocus my life and figure out where I went so horribly wrong. To that end, I'm headed back to that island in approximately two months. I am planning on staying there for at least a month and maybe not coming back at all.
So begins the countdown. I have many things on my to do list. I have paperwork and a closet of crap to get rid of. I have some further training to do on a completely different and much more physical, yet relaxing potential career path. I have to quit smoking again (yes, said client has driven me back to the occasional cigarette after a two year absence of the addiction). I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. But I think it will all be worth it. Very very worth it. I mean, after all, who wouldn't want to go live on a tropical island where the most dramatic thing that happens in a given day is whether or not you saw whales breaching off the coast.
And here we go. First on the list - somehow get through this next week. The job I am on is turning my hair gray. It's four more days of crazy schedules and more than a few insanely tense moments to be expected.
But I think it will all be worth it. I hope it will be. So here I go.
Wish me luck.
The Tank Gyrl
Where My Mind Wanders
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Dangers of Diets
Wow. It's been a while since I posted anything. I think it's been a while since I had anything at all to say. Or I've just been too busy to bother. But today something struck me. And I feel it's time to get this one off my chest, so here we are.
Twice yearly, I come home to the east coast for a visit. The standard visit involves visiting and spending time with friends and family who I don't see everyday. One of these people of course, is my mother. Now, my mother is a fantastic generous person. Sure, she can drive me batshit crazy with the uttering of one simple phrase, but don't we all have that trigger with our parents that just makes you go straight into "rebellious teen" mode?
So here's the thing. A few years ago, I was somewhat overweight. That's not the point. The point is that I saw a problem. I corrected it. I worked out quite a bit, I ate well and I essentially relearned how to eat and how I react to food and temptations regarding food. I found exercise that energizes me and I enjoy. I do that regularly. I have emerged a thin, fit, foodie who regularly indulges in rich, elegant meals and good wine. I maintain this lifestyle and I am happier and more fulfilled for it. My stress levels remain low, as does my blood pressure, my weight and my Body Mass Index.
About the same time, my mother, decided that it was time to get herself a bit thinner as well. However, instead of taking a healthful approach to losing weight, she went on Jenny Craig. I have no problems with the Jenny Craig problem. It works for a lot of people. Hell, it worked for my mother. She lost 70 pounds and 4 years later has maintained her weight.
I arrived home for my visit this time and went straight to the kitchen. Long flight, no significant meal to speak of - you get the idea. There was NOTHING THERE. Wait, I take that back. There was a number of pudding cups and a varied selection of frozen food boxes. All bearing one label. Jenny Craig.
This is my problem. And this is where I run into an issue with every Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem and other similar weight loss program out there - they do not teach you better habits. My mother still has no idea HOW to eat unless it comes out of a prepackaged frozen box and spends 5 minutes in the microwave. I have no idea when the last time a fresh seasonal vegetable passed through my mother's lips. How much REAL nutrition can you get from eating a freeze dried microwaved meal three times a day?
I try to instill better eating habits to her. I explain the reasoning behind the way I eat. I try to tell her that white flour is like glue in your system and most people can't process it, which is why you shouldn't eat it. I worry for her.
She doesn't go out to eat because she can't order within her meal plan. She is missing out on some of the best things in life because she is afraid to go off the "program" and try to eat real food and learn what to eat, what not to eat and when it's okay to break all the rules a little bit.
I actually had to go to the market and buy a chicken when I got here - a whole cooked chicken and a bit of veg to get me through the next 2 days.
It scares me a bit that in a world of so many options that the lifestyle that Jenny Craig and NutriSystem offer isn't one of freedom to enjoy, but rather one of servitude to the microwavable cardboard meal. (My mother has been known to take these meals to dinner parties rather than eat what's served no matter how healthy the options are.) Let's not get me started on the whole exercise thing either. Neither of these programs really push exercise beyond a bare minimum. This also scares me.
If my mother or the many other people on these programs would have been taught by a nutritionist how to eat and to exercise from the beginning, they would all be happier, healthier and free to enjoy life just that much more and really, isn't that what we all want?
I just wonder, on every level possible, how on earth can eating out of cardboard box make anyone happy or healthy?
Twice yearly, I come home to the east coast for a visit. The standard visit involves visiting and spending time with friends and family who I don't see everyday. One of these people of course, is my mother. Now, my mother is a fantastic generous person. Sure, she can drive me batshit crazy with the uttering of one simple phrase, but don't we all have that trigger with our parents that just makes you go straight into "rebellious teen" mode?
So here's the thing. A few years ago, I was somewhat overweight. That's not the point. The point is that I saw a problem. I corrected it. I worked out quite a bit, I ate well and I essentially relearned how to eat and how I react to food and temptations regarding food. I found exercise that energizes me and I enjoy. I do that regularly. I have emerged a thin, fit, foodie who regularly indulges in rich, elegant meals and good wine. I maintain this lifestyle and I am happier and more fulfilled for it. My stress levels remain low, as does my blood pressure, my weight and my Body Mass Index.
About the same time, my mother, decided that it was time to get herself a bit thinner as well. However, instead of taking a healthful approach to losing weight, she went on Jenny Craig. I have no problems with the Jenny Craig problem. It works for a lot of people. Hell, it worked for my mother. She lost 70 pounds and 4 years later has maintained her weight.
I arrived home for my visit this time and went straight to the kitchen. Long flight, no significant meal to speak of - you get the idea. There was NOTHING THERE. Wait, I take that back. There was a number of pudding cups and a varied selection of frozen food boxes. All bearing one label. Jenny Craig.
This is my problem. And this is where I run into an issue with every Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem and other similar weight loss program out there - they do not teach you better habits. My mother still has no idea HOW to eat unless it comes out of a prepackaged frozen box and spends 5 minutes in the microwave. I have no idea when the last time a fresh seasonal vegetable passed through my mother's lips. How much REAL nutrition can you get from eating a freeze dried microwaved meal three times a day?
I try to instill better eating habits to her. I explain the reasoning behind the way I eat. I try to tell her that white flour is like glue in your system and most people can't process it, which is why you shouldn't eat it. I worry for her.
She doesn't go out to eat because she can't order within her meal plan. She is missing out on some of the best things in life because she is afraid to go off the "program" and try to eat real food and learn what to eat, what not to eat and when it's okay to break all the rules a little bit.
I actually had to go to the market and buy a chicken when I got here - a whole cooked chicken and a bit of veg to get me through the next 2 days.
It scares me a bit that in a world of so many options that the lifestyle that Jenny Craig and NutriSystem offer isn't one of freedom to enjoy, but rather one of servitude to the microwavable cardboard meal. (My mother has been known to take these meals to dinner parties rather than eat what's served no matter how healthy the options are.) Let's not get me started on the whole exercise thing either. Neither of these programs really push exercise beyond a bare minimum. This also scares me.
If my mother or the many other people on these programs would have been taught by a nutritionist how to eat and to exercise from the beginning, they would all be happier, healthier and free to enjoy life just that much more and really, isn't that what we all want?
I just wonder, on every level possible, how on earth can eating out of cardboard box make anyone happy or healthy?
Friday, September 4, 2009
New Title?
Hello. This is a test. Is anyone out there? Is this thing on? Recently, I haven't been posting much. Mostly because I've not been doing or seeing anything that interesting that seemed to inspire a Tank Gyrl like rant or rave. By the way - this is going to be neither. I'm just curious. And wondering if I would do better if my blog had a topic - or a theme. Or just a new snappy title?
So I put this out there to you - if anyone at all is paying attention...
What do you want to hear (well, read) me bitch about? Cause there's so many many possibilities, where on earth should I start?
I'm curious... really... I am. And so I ask for your thoughts on the matter...
The Tank Gyrl
So I put this out there to you - if anyone at all is paying attention...
What do you want to hear (well, read) me bitch about? Cause there's so many many possibilities, where on earth should I start?
I'm curious... really... I am. And so I ask for your thoughts on the matter...
The Tank Gyrl
Monday, August 24, 2009
Explanation of the Midnight Splodey...
So apparently, the cause of the Midnight Explosion two weeks ago was this:
There is a tenant in that building across the street who is a used car salesman. And not a very honest one. So apparently, he sold someone a car that was um, shall we say, not a good deal? And said customer tried to return the car, but the dude wasn't having it back. So instead, the customer decide revenge was best served in the middle of the night and tossed a molotov cocktail through the rear windshield of the salesman's car. It burned and eventually, exploded. The second big boom was the car next to it going up. (That car had been removed before I got the picture.) That one was just an innocent bystander in all this. I feel really bad for the owner of the second car. And for the guy who lived in the apartment directly over the cars. But there you have it. Mystery solved. Revenge is fun. Just remember kids, to blow up the car when it won't affect property of the innocent. It's just bad form to involve those whose only crime is living next door to the douchebag.
The Tank Gyrl
There is a tenant in that building across the street who is a used car salesman. And not a very honest one. So apparently, he sold someone a car that was um, shall we say, not a good deal? And said customer tried to return the car, but the dude wasn't having it back. So instead, the customer decide revenge was best served in the middle of the night and tossed a molotov cocktail through the rear windshield of the salesman's car. It burned and eventually, exploded. The second big boom was the car next to it going up. (That car had been removed before I got the picture.) That one was just an innocent bystander in all this. I feel really bad for the owner of the second car. And for the guy who lived in the apartment directly over the cars. But there you have it. Mystery solved. Revenge is fun. Just remember kids, to blow up the car when it won't affect property of the innocent. It's just bad form to involve those whose only crime is living next door to the douchebag.
The Tank Gyrl
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just wanted to say that I've redone my website. It's all new. New Look. New Site. New Work. Check it out Here:
Or Here:

Hope you can swing by!!! There's new work to be seen and more to come soon!!!
The Tank Gyrl
Or Here:

Hope you can swing by!!! There's new work to be seen and more to come soon!!!
The Tank Gyrl
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Midnight Explosions
So the other night, I was curled up tight and sleeping very soundly when I was awoken by something rather odd. What sounded like an explosion followed by the building I live in shaking for a second like a very sharp, very sudden earthquake. I was lying in my bed, just wondering what the fuck it was, when I started to hear people screaming. Not people screaming like "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm being attacked by a crazy knife-wielding maniac" screaming, but more like at each other in an "OH FUCK WHAT DO WE DO?" sort of way. Car alarms were going off up and down the street - loudly. And a lot of them. But no one was running or screaming INSIDE my building and the fire alarms weren't going off and it was clear that whatever went all 'splodey wasn't in the specific vicinity of my bed. So I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, there was another one. BLAM!!! Woke me up and shook the building again. This time I got a little concerned. But again, I heard nothing to suggest that my bed (and therefore me in it) was in any real danger, so I left it alone.
Went back to sleep... the rest of the night passed quietly. In the morning, this is what I saw... this is directly across the street from my building. Notice the burned out shell of a car under the carport.

My only thought is what must it have felt like to the guy who lives in the apartment just over it? And what caused it? I've not been able to track down any of the neighbors to find out if anyone knew, cause I'm curious as hell.
The Tank Gyrl
Went back to sleep... the rest of the night passed quietly. In the morning, this is what I saw... this is directly across the street from my building. Notice the burned out shell of a car under the carport.

My only thought is what must it have felt like to the guy who lives in the apartment just over it? And what caused it? I've not been able to track down any of the neighbors to find out if anyone knew, cause I'm curious as hell.
The Tank Gyrl
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